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Today you are one step closer to a new you where you feel empowered and on a positive path to growth and well-being. Dr. Sazer can guide you on that path. Dr. Sazer is trained in cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), which has been shown to be extremely effective for a wide range of psychological difficulties. The basic tenet of CBT is that how we feel and act are influenced by our cognitions. The goal of therapy is to help you identify and restructure your perceptions in order to bring about positive emotional and behavioral outcomes. CBT is a structured, directive, and cost-effective approach to psychotherapy that aims to provide symptom relief. It is relatively short-term, as the focus is primarily on the "here and now."  

Please contact Dr. Sazer at 516-548-5775 if you are looking to modify unwanted behaviors, manage excessive stress and anxiety, or need guidance through a challenging situation.

Contact Dr. Sazer