Services For Children

Having worked in public schools as a certified school psychologist for twenty-nine years, Dr. Sazer specializes in administering full psychoeducational evaluations. Dr. Sazer works with children and adolescents individually and/or in groups, as needed, to address emotional, behavioral, relational and or learning issues. She also consults with parents and school personnel and advocates at Committee on Special Education meetings. Dr. Sazer has expertise in: 

  • Psychoeducational Evaluations
  • Committee on Special Education Consultation/Advocacy
  • Autism Spectrum Disorders
  • Behavior Regulation Disorders
  • Anxiety/Depression
  • School Avoidance / Phobia
  • Learning Disabilities
  • Issues related to Bullying  
  • ADHD
  • Social Skills Training
  • Study Skills / Organization
  • Sexuality/Gender Identity Disorder
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • Tourettes Syndrome
  • Gifted Testing